Mario Monti – 7 Quotes

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7 Quotes by Mario Monti


If governments let themselves be fully bound by the decisions of their parliaments without protecting their own freedom to act, a breakup of Europe would be a more probable outcome than deeper integration.

– Mario Monti

Italy even in the future will not need aid from the European Financial Stability Fund.

– Mario Monti

Italy has piled up huge public debt because the successive governments were too close to the life of ordinary citizens, too willing to please the requests of everybody, thereby acting against the interests of future generations.

– Mario Monti

I hope that my government can help change Italian mentality.

– Mario Monti

I believe that in Europe, we have a collective leadership.

– Mario Monti

So I think democracy, in the long-term, in our countries will survive if it comes to be associated with leadership, will not survive if democracy plus media brings to us more and more followship rather than leadership.

– Mario Monti

I have the most profound respect for the Department of Justice and the FTC. We in Europe are a younger and I would say junior institution to the historical antitrust experience of the US.

– Mario Monti