Derek Jacobi – 6 Quotes

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6 Quotes by Derek Jacobi


Ultimately it’s a leap of faith and a leap of imagination to put yourself back in time into those conditions and situations and see how you would react.

– Derek Jacobi

I would like to be as fit as I’ve always been. I’ve been blessed with good health, I’ve been blessed with stamina. Particularly for those great classical roles, you need an Olympian stamina. I, fortunately, have that.

– Derek Jacobi

Ellis Peters’s historical detail is very accurate and very minute, and therefore is not only interesting to read but good for an actor to acquire a sense of the period. And the other thing I think is that an actor lives in the land of imagination.

– Derek Jacobi

I am an actor and I live in the world of pretend in my working capacity. I live in the world of my imagination.

– Derek Jacobi

Real-life people are often the hardest to play, people that you recreate who have actually lived, because you have to live up to people’s knowledge of those characters.

– Derek Jacobi

I think my parents were happy that I’d gone to university and gotten a degree in history so they thought, ‘Well if acting doesn’t work for him, he can always become a history teacher or something.’ Fortunately, the acting worked out.

– Derek Jacobi